Geographic information and geodata

I work with geodata and GIS, chiefly QGIS. I am a physical geographer, glaciologist, surveyor and jack of all trades.


The repositories found here are for use within RiksantikvarieƤmbetet, although no restrictions are made. Any QGIS scripts or plug-ins have been written to resolve specific problems and may not be more widely usable. Interpret "may" as "almost certainly won't". The code here is a store or back-up more than anything else.

Layer Reverse plugin

The Layer Reverse QGIS plugin is a very simple tool that does one thing and one thing only: it reverses the order of highlighted layers. The tool came about due to a frustation caused by a wms that read in map layers in reverse order, so that text ended up at the bottom and polygons on top.

To use: highlight layers in the Content pane of QGIS then click the button in the Plugin toolbar. That's it. Nothing more and nothing less.